Mena has been in the business since Boy Meets World, and is now coming back in American Horror Story which means she's been around for about a century and still looks like a Swedish baby-doll model. I'm impressed by how cute and sexy and sweet and faerie-like she is, and has been unchanging for past decades. Ugh, whenever I see her on tv I get all over excited and feel the need to re-read her IMDB page. But isn't she perfect?!
Here is her super awesome preformance in American Beauty, AKA Kevin Spacey being a cooool dad. Can we all agree she is the sexiest thirty-something pixie to walk this planet?!
These photo's are brilliant! I love IMDB, it's the best for finding out all kinds of stuff from celebrities. The third picture reminds me of Grease! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Sorry, I've only just seen it or I would have replied sooner. xxx
These photo's are brilliant! I love IMDB, it's the best for finding out all kinds of stuff from celebrities. The third picture reminds me of Grease! Thanks for the comment on my blog. Sorry, I've only just seen it or I would have replied sooner. xxx
Love Mena!!!
These are great photos!!!
same actually..... :) makes me want to have sleepovers again.
love this post!
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